Keyboard Shortcuts
- 4 minutes to read
The Spreadsheet provides the capability to perform common commands quickly using keyboard shortcuts.
All supported shortcuts are divided into the following groups.
#File Operations
Shortcut | Description |
CTRL+N | Creates a blank workbook (supported only on the Microsoft Edge browsers). |
CTRL+O | Invokes the Open dialog box to open a new file. |
CTRL+S | Saves changes in the current workbook. |
CTRL+P | Invokes the Print dialog box. |
CTRL+F | Invokes the Find and Replace dialog (with the Find tab activated). |
SHIFT+F11 | Inserts a new worksheet in front of the existing worksheet within the current workbook (not supported on the Safari browser). |
#Navigation Inside Worksheets
Shortcut | Description |
LEFT ARROW KEY | Moves the active cell one cell to the left in a worksheet. |
RIGHT ARROW KEY | Moves the active cell one cell to the right in a worksheet. |
UP ARROW KEY | Moves the active cell one cell up in a worksheet. |
DOWN ARROW KEY | Moves the active cell one cell down in a worksheet. |
ENTER | Moves the active cell one cell down in a worksheet. |
SHIFT+ENTER | Moves the active cell one cell up in a worksheet. |
TAB | Moves the active cell one cell to the right in a worksheet. |
SHIFT+TAB | Moves the active cell one cell to the left in a worksheet. |
#Work with Selection
Shortcut | Description |
ENTER | Moves the active cell one cell down in the selection. |
SHIFT+ENTER | Moves the active cell one cell up in the selection. |
TAB | Moves the active cell one cell to the right in the selection. |
SHIFT+TAB | Moves the active cell one cell to the left in the selection. |
CTRL+A | Selects the entire worksheet or the data region to which the active cell belongs. |
SHIFT+ARROW KEYS | Extends the selection by one cell in the specified direction. |
#Cell Content Editing
Shortcut | Description |
F2 | Turns on the edit mode for the active cell and positions the cursor at the end of the cell’s content. |
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY | In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one character to the left. |
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY | In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one character to the right. |
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW KEY | In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one word to the left. |
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW KEY | In the cell edit mode, selects or deselects one word to the right. |
SHIFT+HOME | In the cell edit mode, selects from the cursor current position to the beginning of the cell. |
SHIFT+END | In the cell edit mode, selects from the cursor current position to the end of the cell. |
ALT+ENTER | Starts a new line in the same cell. |
ENTER | Completes a cell entry and selects the cell below. |
SHIFT+ENTER | Completes a cell entry and selects the cell above. |
TAB | Completes a cell entry and selects the cell to the right. |
SHIFT+TAB | Completes a cell entry and selects the cell to the left. |
ESC | Cancels an entry in a cell or Formula Bar. |
BACKSPACE | In the cell edit mode, deletes a character to the left of the cursor. |
DELETE | Removes the cell content without affecting the cell formatting. In the cell edit mode, deletes a character to the right of the cursor. |
CTRL+DELETE | In the cell edit mode, deletes all characters from the cursor’s current position to the start of the next word. |
CTRL+Z | Performs the Undo command to reverse the last action or to delete the last entry you typed. |
#Copy/Paste Operations
Shortcut | Description |
CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT | Inserts the contents of the Clipboard in the specified cell and replaces any selection. |
CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE | Cuts the selected cells. |
CTRL+D | Performs the Fill Down command to copy the contents of the topmost cell to the active cell. |
CTRL+R | Performs the Fill Right command to copy the contents of the leftmost cell to the active cell. |
#Cell Formatting
Shortcut | Description |
CTRL+B or CTRL+2 | Applies or removes bold formatting. |
CTRL+I or CTRL+3 | Applies or removes italic formatting. |
CTRL+U or CTRL+4 | Applies or removes underlining. |
CTRL+5 | Applies or removes strikethrough formatting. |
CTRL+SHIFT+7 | Applies the outline border to the selected cell or cell range. |
CTRL+SHIFT+1 | Applies the General number format with two decimal places. |
CTRL+SHIFT+2 | Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM. |
CTRL+SHIFT+3 | Applies the Date format with the day, month and year. |
CTRL+SHIFT+4 | Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parantheses). |
CTRL+SHIFT+5 | Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places. |
CTRL+SHIFT+6 | Applies the Scientific number format with two decimal places. |