ASPxClientVerticalGridClipboardCellPastingEventArgs Class
Contains data for the ClipboardCellPasting event.
declare class ASPxClientVerticalGridClipboardCellPastingEventArgs extends ASPxClientCancelEventArgs
The following example illustrates how to modify data before pasting to the control in the ClipboardCellPasting event handler:
Web Forms:
<dx:ASPxVerticalGrid ID="VerticalGrid" runat="server" ...>
ClipboardCellPasting="onClipboardCellPasting" />
<SettingsEditing Mode="Batch">
<BatchEditSettings EnableMultipleCellSelection="True" />
function onClipboardCellPasting(s, e) {
if (e.cellInfo.row.fieldName == 'CategoryID') {
// your code
e.cancel = true;
else {
e.newText += " copy";
@Html.DevExpress().VerticalGrid(settings => {
settings.Name = "verticalGrid";
settings.ClientSideEvents.CellSelectionChanging = "function (s, e) {
if (e.cellInfo.row.fieldName == 'CategoryID') {
// your code
e.cancel = true;
else {
e.newText += " copy";