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.NET 8.0+

Session Members

The session that is used to load and save persistent objects.


Name Description
Session() Initializes a new instance of the Session class with default settings.
Session(IDataLayer, IDisposable[]) Initializes a new instance of the Session class and connects it to a data store.
Session(IObjectLayer, IDisposable[]) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings and connects it to a data store.
Session(XPDictionary) Initializes a new Session instance using the specified metadata provider.
Session(IContainer) Initializes a new instance of the Session class and adds it to a form’s container.
Session(IServiceProvider, IDataLayer, IDisposable[]) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings.
Session(IServiceProvider, IObjectLayer, IDisposable[]) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings.
Session(IServiceProvider, XPDictionary) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings.
Session(IServiceProvider, IContainer) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings.
Session(IServiceProvider) Initializes a new instance of the Session class with specified settings.


Name Description
GlobalSuppressExceptionOnReferredObjectAbsentInDataStore static This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code.
LogCategory The name of a category used to tag Session and UnitOfWork operations in XPO logs. The default category name is “Session”.
LogParam_AlwaysGetFromDataStore Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies whether to always reload objects from a data store even if they are found in memory.
LogParam_ClassInfo Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the full name of a persistent class.
LogParam_Condition Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the criteria for retrieving objects not yet persisted to the datastore.
LogParam_Criteria Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the object to be retrieved from the storage.
LogParam_CriteriaEvaluationBehavior Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies how filter criteria are evaluated within a transaction.
LogParam_Expression Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies an expression to be evaluated.
LogParam_GroupCriteria Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the grouping criteria for the retrieved persistent objects.
LogParam_GroupProps Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies grouping properties.
LogParam_InTransaction Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies whether in memory object changes are taken into account when evaluating an expression.
LogParam_IsInTransactionMode Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies whether querying a data store for objects includes all in-memory changes into query results.
LogParam_Members Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies mapping information for persistent class metadata and a stored procedure’s result set columns.
LogParam_ObjectID Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies an object identifier.
LogParam_Objects Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies persistent objects.
LogParam_Parameters Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies SQL query parameters.
LogParam_Property Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies a persistent object’s property.
LogParam_Props Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies properties of a persistent object.
LogParam_SelectDeleted Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies whether persistent objects marked as deleted must be retrieved.
LogParam_SessionID Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies a session identifier.
LogParam_SessionType Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies a session type.
LogParam_SkipSelectedRecords Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the number of persistent objects to skip.
LogParam_Sorting Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the sort order for retrieved persistent objects.
LogParam_SprocName Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the name of a stored procedure.
LogParam_Sql Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies a SQL query.
LogParam_TheObject Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies a persistent object.
LogParam_TopSelectedRecords Contains the name of the log parameter that specifies the maximum number of persistent objects to retrieve.

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Name Description
AutoCreateOption Gets or sets the action which is performed when the session is connected to a data store.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CaseSensitive Gets or sets whether string comparisons evaluated by the session on the client are case-sensitive.
Connection Gets or sets an IDbConnection object associated with the session.
ConnectionString Gets or sets a connection string.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
DataLayer Gets the data access layer used by the current session to access a data store.
DefaultSession static Gets the pre-initialized default session for simple applications.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
Dictionary Gets metadata on persistent objects in a data store.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
IdentityMapBehavior Gets or sets the session’s Identity Map behavior.
InTransaction Indicates whether a transaction is in progress.
InTransactionMode static Enables the mode in which querying a data store for objects includes all in-memory changes into query results.
IsConnected Gets whether the session is connected to a database.
IsObjectModifiedOnNonPersistentPropertyChange Specifies whether or not a persistent object is marked modified when its non-persistent property value is changed.
IsObjectsLoading Indicates whether persistent objects are being loaded from a data store.
IsObjectsSaving Indicates whether persistent objects are being saved to a data store.
LockingOption Gets or sets a value which controls the persistent object’s locking during a session.
ObjectLayer Provides access to an object access layer, which the current session uses to retrieve and update object data in a data store.
ObjectsSavedInCurrentTransaction Obsolete. Gets the collection of IXPSimpleObject objects that are saved in the transaction currently in progress.
OptimisticLockingReadBehavior Gets or sets a value which specifies how XPO behaves when reloading changed objects (objects with different versions).
ServiceProvider Gets the service provider used by the current session to access service objects.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SuppressThrowingAssociationCollectionWithDisabledLoading static Obsolete. Specifies whether exceptions are thrown when committing changes in a collection whose XPBaseCollection.LoadingEnabled property is set to false.
TrackingChanges Indicates whether changes made to persistent objects are being tracked or a list of tracked changes is not empty.
TrackPropertiesModifications Specifies whether or not the current Session tracks persistent object property modifications.
TypesManager This member supports the XPO Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

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Name Description
BeginNestedUnitOfWork() Creates a new NestedUnitOfWork.
BeginTrackingChanges() Enables tracking changes made to persistent objects.
BeginTransaction() Starts a transaction.
BulkLoad(IXPBulkLoadableCollection[]) This method loads IXPBulkLoadableCollection objects passed as parameters.
BulkLoad(XPBaseCollection[]) This method loads XPBaseCollection objects passed as parameters.
BulkLoadAsync(CancellationToken, IXPBulkLoadableCollection[]) Asynchronously retrieves persistent objects to populate specified IXPBulkLoadableCollection type collections.
BulkLoadAsync(CancellationToken, XPBaseCollection[]) Asynchronously retrieves persistent objects to populate specified XPBaseCollection type collections.
CancelAsyncRequest(Object) static This method is intended for internal use.
ClearDatabase() This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CollectReferencingObjects(Object, PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, Boolean) Returns a collection of persistent objects that refer to the specified object.
CollectReferencingObjects(Object) Returns a collection of persistent objects that refer to the specified object.
CommitTransaction() Commits changes made within a transaction and completes it.
CommitTransactionAsync(AsyncCommitCallback) Asynchronously commits changes made within a transaction, completes it and notifies upon completion.
CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously commits object changes made within a transaction, completes the transaction, and notifies upon completion.
Connect() Connects the session to a data store.
Connect(IDataLayer, IDisposable[]) Connects the session to a data store using a specified data access layer.
Connect(IObjectLayer, IDisposable[]) Connects the session to a data store using a specified object access layer.
CreateObjectTypeRecords() Stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the assemblies that have been loaded in the current application domain.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(XPClassInfo[]) Stores valid persistent types for the specified persistent class metadata information.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Boolean, XPClassInfo[]) Stores valid persistent types for the specified persistent class metadata information.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Boolean, Assembly[]) Stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the specified assemblies.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Boolean, Type[]) Stores valid persistent types for the specified class types.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Boolean) Stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the assemblies that have been loaded in the current application domain.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Assembly[]) Stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the specified assemblies.
CreateObjectTypeRecords(Type[]) Stores valid persistent types for the specified class types.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the assemblies that have been loaded in the current application domain.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for the specified persistent class metadata information.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, Boolean, XPClassInfo[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for the specified persistent class metadata information.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, Boolean, Assembly[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the specified assemblies.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, Boolean, Type[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for the specified class types.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, Assembly[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the specified assemblies.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken, Type[]) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for the specified class types.
CreateObjectTypeRecordsAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously stores valid persistent types for all the types which are defined within the assemblies that have been loaded in the current application domain.
Delete(ICollection) Deletes persistent objects and their aggregated objects from the data store.
Delete(Object) Deletes the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects from persistent storage.
DeleteAsync(ICollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously deletes the specified persistent objects and their aggregated objects from the data store.
DeleteAsync(Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously deletes the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects from persistent storage.
Disconnect() Disconnects the session from a database.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
DropCache() Obsolete. Clears the object cache.
DropChanges() Discards changes made to persistent objects and clears a list of tracked changes.
DropIdentityMap() Clears the Identity Map.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Evaluate(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression for objects of the specified type.
Evaluate(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression for objects of the specified type.
Evaluate<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression for objects of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter.
EvaluateAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously evaluates the specified expression against objects of the specified type.
EvaluateAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously evaluates the specified expression against objects of the specified type.
EvaluateInTransaction(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression for objects of the specified type, taking into account all in-memory object changes.
EvaluateInTransaction(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression against objects of the specified type. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
EvaluateInTransaction<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) Evaluates the specified expression against objects whose type is designated by the generic parameter. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
EvaluateInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously evaluates the specified expression against objects of the specified type. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
EvaluateInTransactionAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously evaluates the specified expression against objects of the specified type. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
EvaluateInTransactionAsync<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously evaluates the specified expression against objects whose type is designated by the generic parameter. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
ExecuteNonQuery(String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQuery(String, Object[]) Executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQuery(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQuery(String, String[], Object[]) Executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQuery(String) Executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQueryAsync(String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQueryAsync(String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQueryAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken, String, String[], Object[]) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
ExecuteQuery(String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQuery(String, Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQuery(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQuery(String, String[], Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQuery(String) Executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryAsync(String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryAsync(String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryAsync(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryAsync(String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns a result set.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(String, Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(String, String[], Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(String) Executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadataAsync(String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadataAsync(String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadataAsync(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadataAsync(String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadataAsync(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns its result set along with the types and names of retrieved columns.
ExecuteScalar(String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalar(String, Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalar(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalar(String, String[], Object[]) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalar(String) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalarAsync(String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalarAsync(String, Object[], CancellationToken) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalarAsync(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalarAsync(String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteScalarAsync(String, CancellationToken) Executes the specified SQL query and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
ExecuteSproc(String, OperandValue[]) Executes the specified stored procedure and returns its result set.
ExecuteSprocAsync(CancellationToken, String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes the specified stored procedure and returns its result set.
ExecuteSprocParametrized(String, SprocParameter[]) Executes the specified stored procedure with the named parameters and returns its result set.
ExecuteSprocParametrizedAsync(CancellationToken, String, SprocParameter[]) Asynchronously executes the specified stored procedure with the named parameters and returns its result set.
ExplicitBeginTransaction() Marks the starting point of a database level transaction.
ExplicitBeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Marks the starting point of a database level transaction that is started with the specified IsolationLevel value.
ExplicitBeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken)
ExplicitCommitTransaction() Completes a database level transaction and commits changes made within it.
ExplicitCommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously completes a database level transaction and commits changes made within the transaction.
ExplicitRollbackTransaction() Completes a database level transaction and rolls back changes made within it.
FindObject(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, Type, CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(Type, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject(Type, CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean) Searches for the first object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter which matches the specified criteria.
FindObject<ClassType>(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, CriteriaOperator) Searches for the first object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter which matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, Type, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync(Type, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria and has the type designated by the generic type parameter, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria and has the type designated by the generic type parameter, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria. This object’s type is designated by the specified generic parameter.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria. This object’s type is designated by the specified generic parameter.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, CriteriaOperator, AsyncFindObjectCallback) Asynchronously searches for the first object which matches the specified criteria and has the type designated by the generic type parameter, and notifies upon completion.
FindObjectAsync<ClassType>(PersistentCriteriaEvaluationBehavior, CriteriaOperator, CancellationToken) Asynchronously searches for the first object that matches the specified criteria. This object’s type is designated by the specified generic parameter.
FlushChanges() Saves changes made to persistent objects to a data store, and clears a list of tracked changes.
FlushChangesAsync(AsyncCommitCallback) Asynchronously saves changes made to persistent objects to a data store, clears a list of tracked changes and notifies upon completion.
FlushChangesAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously saves changes made to persistent objects to a data store and clears a tracked changes list.
GetClassInfo(Object) Returns the XPClassInfo for the specified persistent object.
GetClassInfo(String, String) Returns the XPClassInfo for the specified assembly and class.
GetClassInfo(Type) Returns the XPClassInfo for the specified type of class.
GetClassInfo<ClassType>() Returns the XPClassInfo for the type designated by the specified generic type parameter.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetIdentityMapBehavior() This method is intended for internal use only.
GetKeyValue(Object) Returns the key property’s value of the specified persistent object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetLoadedObjectByKey(XPClassInfo, Object) Returns the persistent object with the specified value of the key property that has been already loaded from a data store.
GetLoadedObjectByKey(Type, Object) Returns the persistent object with the specified value of the key property that has been already loaded from a data store.
GetLoadedObjectByKey<ClassType>(Object) Returns the persistent object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, with the specified value of the key property previously loaded from a data store.
GetObjectByKey(XPClassInfo, Object, Boolean) Returns the reloaded persistent object with the specified value of the key property from a data store.
GetObjectByKey(XPClassInfo, Object) Returns a persistent object with the specified value of the key property.
GetObjectByKey(Type, Object, Boolean) Returns the reloaded persistent object with the specified value of the key property from a data store.
GetObjectByKey(Type, Object) Returns the persistent object that has the specified value for its key property.
GetObjectByKey<ClassType>(Object, Boolean) Returns a persistent object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, with the specified value for its key property.
GetObjectByKey<ClassType>(Object) Returns a persistent object of the type designated by the specified generic type parameter, with the specified value for its key property.
GetObjectByKeyAsync(XPClassInfo, Object, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value from a data store.
GetObjectByKeyAsync(XPClassInfo, Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value.
GetObjectByKeyAsync(Type, Object, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value from a data store.
GetObjectByKeyAsync(Type, Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value.
GetObjectByKeyAsync<ClassType>(Object, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value. The persistent object’s type is set by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectByKeyAsync<ClassType>(Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a persistent object that has the specified key property value. The persistent object’s type is set by the generic type parameter.
GetObjects(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, CollectionCriteriaPatcher, Boolean) Obsolete. This GetObjects method overload is obsolete. Use the method overloads that do not take a CollectionCriteriaPatcher collectionCriteriaPatcher parameter.
GetObjects(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Gets a collection of persistent objects that match the specified criteria.
GetObjects(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Gets a collection of persistent objects that match the specified criteria.
GetObjects(ObjectsQuery[]) Gets a collection of persistent objects returned by specified queries.
GetObjectsAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) Asynchronously gets a collection of persistent objects that match the specified criteria and notifies upon completion.
GetObjectsAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously retrieves persistent objects, according to specific criteria, and notifies upon completion.
GetObjectsAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) Asynchronously gets a collection of persistent objects that match the specified criteria and notifies upon completion.
GetObjectsAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously retrieves persistent objects from specified queries.
GetObjectsAsync(ObjectsQuery[], AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) Asynchronously gets a collection of persistent objects that match the specified criteria and notifies upon completion.
GetObjectsAsync(ObjectsQuery[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously retrieves persistent objects obtained from specified queries.
GetObjectsByKey(XPClassInfo, ICollection, Boolean) Returns reloaded persistent objects with specified key property values from a data store.
GetObjectsByKey(ObjectsByKeyQuery[], Boolean) Returns reloaded persistent objects from a data store, using queries based on specified object types and key values.
GetObjectsByKeyAsync(XPClassInfo, ICollection, Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns reloaded persistent objects that have specified key property values from a data store.
GetObjectsByKeyAsync(ObjectsByKeyQuery[], Boolean, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns reloaded persistent objects that have specified key property values from a data store.
GetObjectsByKeyFromQuery(XPClassInfo, Boolean, String) Returns reloaded persistent objects from a data store, with key property values obtained via the specified SQL query.
GetObjectsByKeyFromSproc(XPClassInfo, Boolean, String, OperandValue[]) Returns reloaded persistent objects from a data store, with key property values obtained via the specified stored procedure.
GetObjectsByKeyFromSprocParametrized(XPClassInfo, Boolean, String, SprocParameter[]) Returns persistent objects with the keys loaded with the specified stored procedure.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery(XPClassInfo, String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(String, QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(String, Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(String, String[], Object[]) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQuery<T>(String) Executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync(XPClassInfo, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(String, QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(String, Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(String, String[], QueryParameterCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(String, String[], Object[], CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromQueryAsync<T>(String, CancellationToken) Asynchronously executes a SQL query and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSproc(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSproc(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSproc(XPClassInfo, String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSproc<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSproc<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSproc<T>(String, OperandValue[]) Executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync<T>(CancellationToken, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync<T>(CancellationToken, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocAsync<T>(CancellationToken, String, OperandValue[]) Asynchronously executes a stored procedure and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized(XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized(XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized(XPClassInfo, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized<T>(LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized<T>(List<XPMemberInfo>, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrized<T>(String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of objects of a non-persistent type specified by the generic type parameter.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync<T>(CancellationToken, LoadDataMemberOrderItem[], String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync<T>(CancellationToken, List<XPMemberInfo>, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsFromSprocParametrizedAsync<T>(CancellationToken, String, SprocParameter[]) Executes a stored procedure with named parameters and returns its result set as a collection of non-persistent objects.
GetObjectsInTransaction(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsInTransaction(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Boolean) Obsolete. This GetObjectsInTransaction method overload is obsolete. Use the overloads that do not take a Boolean caseSensitive parameter.
GetObjectsInTransaction(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean, AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, SortingCollection, Int32, Int32, Boolean, CancellationToken) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, AsyncLoadObjectsCallback) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, CancellationToken) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectsToDelete() Returns a collection of persistent objects that will be deleted when the current transaction is committed.
GetObjectsToDelete(Boolean) Returns a collection of persistent objects that will be deleted when the current transaction is committed, including objects that will be deleted in the parent transaction(s), optionally.
GetObjectsToSave() Returns a collection of objects that will be saved when the current transaction is committed.
GetObjectsToSave(Boolean) Returns a collection of persistent objects that will be saved when the current transaction is committed, including objects that will be saved in the parent transaction(s), optionally.
GetObjectType(XPClassInfo) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectType(Int32) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetObjectType(Object) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetProperties(XPClassInfo) Gets the properties of the class whose metadata is provided by the specified XPClassInfo object.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
IsNewObject(Object, Boolean) Obsolete. Indicates whether the specified persistent object is a newly created object which isn’t saved in the transaction currently in progress or in any of its parent transaction (optionally).
IsNewObject(Object) Indicates whether the specified object is contained within the session’s cache.
IsObjectMarkedDeleted(Object) Indicates whether the specified persistent object is marked as deleted.
IsObjectToDelete(Object, Boolean) Indicates whether the specified object is deleted in the transaction currently in progress or in any of its parent transaction (optionally).
IsObjectToDelete(Object) Indicates whether the specified object is deleted in the transaction currently in progress.
IsObjectToSave(Object, Boolean) Indicates whether the specified object is saved in the transaction currently in progress or in any of its parent transaction (optionally).
IsObjectToSave(Object) Indicates whether the specified object is saved in the transaction currently in progress.
Load(XPClassInfo, IEnumerable, String[]) Obsolete. This method is obsolete. Use Session.PreFetch or Session.PreFetch<T> instead.
Load(XPBaseCollection[]) Obsolete. This method is obsolete. Use Session.BulkLoad instead.
Load<T>(IEnumerable<T>, String[]) Obsolete. This method is obsolete. Use Session.PreFetch or Session.PreFetch<T> instead.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
PreFetch(XPClassInfo, IEnumerable, String[]) Enforces loading data for associated collections and delayed properties.
PreFetch(IEnumerable, XPMemberInfo, IEnumerable) Enforces loading data for an associated collection.
PreFetch<T>(IEnumerable<T>, String, IEnumerable) Enforces loading data for associated collections.
PreFetch<T>(IEnumerable<T>, String[]) Enforces loading data for associated collections and delayed properties.
PreFetchAsync(XPClassInfo, IEnumerable, CancellationToken, String[]) Asynchronously forces associated collection data loading and delayed property loading for specified parent objects.
PreFetchAsync(IEnumerable, XPMemberInfo, IEnumerable, CancellationToken) Asynchronously forces associated collection data loading for specified parent objects.
PreFetchAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T>, String, IEnumerable, CancellationToken) Asynchronously forces associated collection data loading for specified parent objects.
PreFetchAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken, String[]) Asynchronously forces associated collection data loading and delayed property loading for specified parent objects.
ProcessReferences(Object, ProcessReferenceHandler) Returns a list objects that were processed within the specified event handler.
PurgeDeletedObjects() Deletes the objects marked as deleted from storage.
PurgeDeletedObjects(IObjectLayer) static Deletes the objects marked as deleted from a storage.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reload(Object, Boolean) Reloads the state of the specified persistent object and its aggregated objects from the data store, recursively.
Reload(Object) Reloads the state of the specified persistent object from the data store.
ReloadAsync(Object, Boolean, CancellationToken) Recursively reloads a persistent object’s state and aggregated objects from the data store, asynchronously.
ReloadAsync(Object, CancellationToken) Recursively reloads a persistent object’s state and aggregated objects from the data store, asynchronously.
RemoveFromDeleteList(Object) This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code.
RemoveFromLists(Object) This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code..
RemoveFromSaveList(Object) This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code.
RollbackTransaction() Rolls back a transaction to its starting point, and completes it.
Save(ICollection) Saves the specified persistent objects to a data store.
Save(Object) Saves the specified persistent object to a data store.
SaveAsync(Object, CancellationToken) Asynchronously saves the specified persistent object to a data store.
SelectData(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, SortingCollection) Retrieves objects from a session using the specified query parameters.
SelectData(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection) Retrieves objects from a session using the specified query parameters.
SelectData(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, SortingCollection) Retrieves objects from a session using the specified query parameters.
SelectData(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection) Retrieves objects from a session using the specified query parameters.
SelectDataAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, SortingCollection, CancellationToken) Retrieves object data from a session asynchronously, according to specified query parameters.
SelectDataAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection, AsyncSelectDataCallback) Asynchronously retrieves objects from a session, using the specified query parameters.
SelectDataAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection, CancellationToken) Retrieves object data from a session asynchronously, according to specified query parameters.
SelectDataAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, SortingCollection, CancellationToken) Retrieves object data from a session asynchronously according to specified query parameters.
SelectDataAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection, CancellationToken) Retrieves object data from a session asynchronously, according to specified query parameters.
SelectDataInTransaction(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection) Retrieves objects from a session using the specified query parameters, including all in-memory changes into query results.
SelectDataInTransactionAsync(XPClassInfo, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperatorCollection, CriteriaOperator, Boolean, Int32, Int32, SortingCollection, CancellationToken) Asynchronously retrieves objects from a session, according to specified query parameters. Accounts for all in-memory object changes.
SetAsyncRequestPriority(Object, AsyncRequestPriority) static This method is intended for internal use.
SetKeyValue(Object, Object) Assigns the key property’s value of the specified persistent object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current session.
TriggerObjectChanged(Object, ObjectChangeEventArgs) This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
UpdateSchema() Updates the storage schema according to the class descriptions that are listed in the assemblies that have been loaded into the application domain.
UpdateSchema(XPClassInfo[]) Updates the database schema to support the persistence of the objects with the specified metadata information.
UpdateSchema(Boolean, XPClassInfo[]) Updates a data store’s schema according to the class descriptions of the specified types.
UpdateSchema(Assembly[]) Updates the storage schema according to the class descriptions that are listed in the specified assemblies.
UpdateSchema(Type[]) Updates a data store’s schema according to the class descriptions of the specified types.
UpdateSchemaAsync(CancellationToken, XPClassInfo[]) Asynchronously updates the database schema to support the persistence of the objects with the specified metadata information.
UpdateSchemaAsync(CancellationToken, Boolean, XPClassInfo[]) Asynchronously updates the database schema to support the persistence of the objects with the specified metadata information.
UpdateSchemaAsync(CancellationToken, Assembly[]) Asynchronously updates the storage schema according to the class descriptions that are listed in the specified assemblies.
UpdateSchemaAsync(CancellationToken, Type[]) Asynchronously updates a data store’s schema according to the class descriptions of the specified types.
UpdateSchemaAsync(CancellationToken) Asynchronously updates the storage schema according to the class descriptions that are listed in the assemblies that have been loaded into the application domain.
WaitForAsyncRequestComplete(Session, Object) static This method is intended for internal use.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
AfterBeginTrackingChanges Occurs after a transaction (a database level transaction in an explicit unit of work) has been started tracking changes made to persistent objects.
AfterBeginTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been started via the BEGIN operation.
AfterCommitNestedUnitOfWork Fires after the nested unit of work has been committed.
AfterCommitTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been completed via the COMMIT operation.
AfterConnect Occurs after a connection to a database has been established.
AfterDisconnect Occurs when a connection to a database is closed.
AfterDropChanges Occurs after a list of tracked changes has been cleared.
AfterFlushChanges Occurs after tracked changes have been temporarily saved to a data store.
AfterRollbackTransaction Occurs after a transaction has been completed via the ROLLBACK operation.
BeforeBeginTrackingChanges Occurs when a transaction (a database level transaction in an explicit unit of work) is about to be started to track changes made to persistent objects.
BeforeBeginTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be started via the BEGIN operation.
BeforeCommitNestedUnitOfWork Fires before the nested unit of work is committed.
BeforeCommitTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be completed via the COMMIT operation.
BeforeConnect Occurs before the connection to a database is established.
BeforeDisconnect Occurs before the connection to a database is detached.
BeforeDropChanges Occurs when a list of tracked changes is about to be cleared.
BeforeFlushChanges Occurs when tracked changes are about to be temporarily saved to a data store.
BeforePreProcessCommitedList Fires after the Session.CommitTransaction method has been called.
BeforeRollbackTransaction Occurs when a transaction is about to be completed via the ROLLBACK operation.
BeforeSave Obsolete. Occurs before a persistent object is saved in storage.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
FailedCommitTransaction Occurs when the Commit Transaction operation fails due to database constraints or other circumstances.
FailedFlushChanges Occurs when the Flush Changes operation fails due to database constraints or other circumstances.
ObjectChanged Occurs after an object’s property has been changed.
ObjectDeleted Occurs after an object has been deleted.
ObjectDeleting Occurs when an object is about to be deleted.
ObjectLoaded Occurs after an object’s properties have been initialized with values from a data store.
ObjectLoading Occurs when an object’s properties are about to be initialized with values from a data store.
ObjectSaved Occurs after an object has been saved to a data store.
ObjectSaving Occurs when an object is about to be saved to a data store.
ObjectsLoaded Occurs after persistent objects have been initialized with values from a data store.
ObjectsSaved Occurs after persistent objects have been saved to a data store.
See Also