Scaffolding Wizard
The Scaffolding Wizard is not supported in v22.
The Scaffolding Wizard is a tool for generating a basic application structure based on the existing data access layer.
The Scaffolding Wizard supports the following Data Access Layer types.
- Generated by Entity Framework (Database First or Code First)
- Generated by Entity Framework Core (v1.0 and v2.0)
- Provided by WCF Data Services
The Entity Framework or the WCF generates a DbContext based on data (the Data Access Layer), and based on this DbContext, the Scaffolding Wizard generates the Data Model Layer, the View Model Layer, and the View Layer.
This documentation section consists of the following topics.
- Overview contains general information about applications generated with the Scaffolding Wizard.
- Data Access Layer contains information on how to generate a DbContext in different ways.
- UI Generation contains information on how to generate UI based on the Data Access Layer.
- System Requirements contains information about supported data access technologies.
- The Scaffolding Wizard is not available for .NET/.NET Core.
- The Scaffolding Wizard is not supported in Visual Studio 2022.