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ThemeManager.ThemeName Property

Gets or sets the currently applied theme‘s name.

Namespace: DevExpress.Mobile.DataGrid.Theme

Assembly: DevExpress.Mobile.Grid.v18.2.dll


public static string ThemeName { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

Specifies the name of the theme. The available theme names are stored in the Themes class. You can either use its fields or specify the desired name manually.



This documentation topic describes legacy technology. We no longer develop new functionality for the GridControl and suggest that you use the new DataGridView control instead.

By default, GridControl provides you with two predefined themes - Light and Dark. To apply the required theme to a grid, use the code below.

using Xamarin.Forms;
using DevExpress.Mobile.DataGrid.Theme;

     // ... 

    ThemeManager.ThemeName = Themes.Dark;

    // or 

    ThemeManager.ThemeName = "Dark";

    // ...

For more information, see the How to: Customize Themes document.

See Also