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DevExpress v24.1 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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DxFormLayoutItem Class

Specifies a layout container that displays a nested control.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxFormLayoutItem :


Use DxFormLayoutItem instances to organize content within the Form Layout component. To create a layout item, add the <DxFormLayoutItem>...</DxFormLayoutItem> markup to the <DxFormLayout> component’s root, or combine items in groups or tabs.

#Bind to Data

Once a layout item is bound to a data source field, <DxFormLayout> tries to determine the corresponding data field type. If the component can determine the type, the corresponding editor appears in the layout item.

Field Data Type





Date Edit


Spin Edit


Text Box


Text Box

When a user changes layout item values, handle the ItemUpdating event to post all changes to the data source.

<DxFormLayout Data="@editFormData"
              ItemUpdating="@((pair) => OnItemUpdating(pair.Key, pair.Value))">
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.Name)" Caption="Contact Name:" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.BirthDate)" Caption="Birth Date:" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.YearsWorked)" Caption="Years Worked:" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.Position)" Caption="Position:" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.OnVacation)" Caption="On Vacation:" ColSpanMd="6" /> 

@code {
    FormDataItem editFormData = new FormDataItem() {
        Name = "Nancy Davolio",
        BirthDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30),
        YearsWorked = 3,
        Position = "Sales Representative"

Run Demo: Form Layout - Bind to Data

#Customize Layout

If you want to add custom content to the Form Layout component, place it in the <DxFormLayoutItem> tag. The Template tag can be omitted.

    @* These two items are equal *@
    <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Position:" ColSpanMd="12">
        <DxComboBox Data="@(new List<string>() { "Sales Representative", "Designer" })"
                        ValueChanged="@((string value) => ((ValueEditContext)context).OnChanged(value))">
    <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Position:" ColSpanMd="12">
            <DxComboBox Data="@(new List<string>() { "Sales Representative", "Designer" })"
                            ValueChanged="@((string value) => ((ValueEditContext)context).OnChanged(value))">

When you use a custom editor in the Form Layout item, the component is not notified when a user changes data within an item’s custom editor. To inform the Form Layout about the change, call the OnChanged(Object) method when an editor value changes. To access a new editor value, use the Value property.

#Specify a Caption

To specify the item caption, use the Caption property. The CaptionPosition property allows you to place the caption above an item (Vertical) or at its left border (Horizontal):

    <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Full Name:">
    <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Phone Number:">
        <DxMaskedInput @bind-Value="@Telephone" Mask="(999)000-0000" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem ColSpanMd="12" Caption="Feedback:" CaptionPosition="CaptionPosition.Vertical">
        <DxMemo NullText="Leave your feedback here..."></DxMemo>

Vertical Caption Position for Long Memo

#Organize Items into Groups and Tabs

Use the DxFormLayoutGroup, DxFormLayoutTabPages, and DxFormLayoutTabPage classes to organize layout items in groups and tabs:

        <DxFormLayoutTabPage Caption="Personal Information">
            @* ... *@
        <DxFormLayoutTabPage Caption="Work Information">
            <DxFormLayoutGroup Caption="Position Information">
                <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Position:">
                    <DxTextBox @bind-Text="@Position" Enabled="!Unemployed" />
                <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Hire Date:">
                    <DxDateEdit @bind-Date="@HireDate" Enabled="!Unemployed" />
                <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Notes:">
                    <DxTextBox @bind-Text="@Notes" Enabled="!Unemployed" />

FL Group is in FL Tab

#Customize Appearance

To define the appearance of the entire layout item, assign a CSS class name to the CssClass property. To customize the appearance of the layout item’s caption, use the CaptionCssClass property.

    .my-style {
        <!-- your CSS rules -->

    .my-style-caption {
        <!-- your CSS rules -->

<DxFormLayout Data="@MyDataSource">
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="Name" Caption="Contact Name:" ColSpanMd="12" CssClass="my-style" />
    <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Email:" ColSpanMd="12" CaptionCssClass="my-style-caption">
        <DxTextBox @bind-Text="@MyDataSource.Email"></DxTextBox>

    public class DataSource {
        public string Name { get; set; } = "Nancy Davolio";
        public string Email { get; set; } = "";
    DataSource MyDataSource = new DataSource();

For more information, refer to the following help topic: CSS Classes.

#Disabled and Read-Only Modes

Use the Enabled and ReadOnly properties to disable and mark auto-generated editors as read-only.

<DxFormLayout Data="forecast">
    <DxFormLayoutGroup Caption="Weather Forecast">
        <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Date" Field="@nameof(WeatherForecast.Date)" ReadOnly="true" />
        <DxFormLayoutItem Caption="Temperature" Field="@nameof(WeatherForecast.TemperatureC)" Enabled="false" />

    public class WeatherForecast
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public int TemperatureC { get; set; }
        public double Precipitation { get; set; }
    WeatherForecast forecast = new WeatherForecast() { Date = new DateTime(2020, 05, 11), TemperatureC = 20, Precipitation = 5};

Disbled and ReadOnly items


See Also