How to: Obtain a Collection of Persistent Objects for Processing
The XPCollection is a component with a lot of features. It implements the IBindingList and ITypedList interfaces, supports on-the-fly filtering and sorting and it can be bound to visual controls. Obviously, you don’t need this functionality for background data processing. It may make sense to load objects into a simple array rather than to use the XPCollection. Use LINQ to XPO as shown in the example below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
// ...
void ProcessDiscontinued(Session session) {
IEnumerable<Product> products = session.Query<Product>()
.Where(p => p.IsDiscontinued)
.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
foreach(Product product in products) {
// Do some action with the product object.
Console.WriteLine("{0,-25} {1,8:c} discontinued: {2}", product.Name, product.Price,